Through Villages in Action’s rural touring scheme Running Dog Theatre CIC will be bringing their new family theatre show ‘The Goat Show’ to Stockland Village Hall (EX14 9EF) on Saturday 8th October ,Doors open 3.30pm for 4pm show.

The Goat Show

Not too far from here, trouble is brewing one too many sandwiches have been stolen. 

One too many flowers eaten & one too many goat poos have been pooed. 

 A decision is made that SOMETHING must be done about the Goats, but no one agrees what it is! 

Mixing Puppetry, storytelling & live music, Running Dog Theatre & Emma Baskeyfield bring you a rollicking adventure story about goats, division & overcoming conflict – but with action & competitive poo collection!

The Goat Show has been developed with support from Arts Council England, Doorstep Arts, Theatre Royal Plymouth, Villages in Action, IntoBodmin, Beaford Arts and the University of Exeter”