Its good to see the first signs of spring and the village hall will soon be surrounded in daffodils and other spring flowers another sign is when the cattle are back in the fields. Maintenance and improvement work is always ongoing. During these first months of the year we are making some changes to our plumbing that will improve the reliability of the heating system. We are also replacing the upper storeroom doors. These are life expired and the new doors will provide improved access from outside to the storeroom. A new keep fit class has started and meets between 6 – 7pm every Thursday. Other events to look forward to are a Wine and Wisdom night on Saturday 25th February at 7pm and the return of our fish and chip night on Saturday 25th March, food from 6pm and bar until late. The hall is a great place to hold a private event so if you are looking to hold a wedding reception, celebration, children’s party, fund raising event, exhibition or a meeting of a hobby club send us a message from the website contact page to discuss availability.